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Hey Guys, so some of you may know me and some may not. I was Owner for UN for near enough 2 months. But my time has come to say goodbye to both UN and Habbo. My reason, I have a lot of things going on at home. My mum passed away on Friday, therefore I have no time for Habbo. But before I go I wanna say some thanks.

Shritizen - MY BFF, OMG GIRL. You made me laugh so much! Your literally are the nicest person I have ever spoken to. I will miss you so much and our funny antics on Habbo. Good bye my Habbo sister :D

RoseyWaterfalls - Mimi.. I will miss you, thank you for all your support within Habbo. And coming to view my rooms. You made me laugh also. Take care :)

Rhycen - My fellow Owner, you made me feel so welcome, and even though sometimes you were mean it was always funny at the end. Take care Rhycen :)

Scotty/B.Smoke & Cyndii. - For letting me join UN and being supportive. Take care.

Thank you to everyone else for being so lovely to me. UN members, I will miss you

If I have you on Skype then I will keep you on there, and if you ever want to talk, I'll be there.


Best of luck in the future, sad to see you go  Nikyla (sp?)!

Thank you.

Thank you Nat965 for the lovely message.


My deepest condolences, Nickyla!! You've been a wonderful owner and all the best for your future endeavours!  <3

Thank you.

Thank you Lyn. I enjoyed my time as Owner and maybe one day be there again. But for now I'll enjoy my time as GOV.

thanks for everything!

I am very sorry to hear of your loss.  I hope you accomplish everything you set out to and appriciate the time and effort you have put in here at UN.  If you ever to decide to return, you know you will be welcomed with open arms.  Best of luck! Take care.

Thank you.

Thank you. I am back but now as GOV. Will give me some time to reflect on what going off here at home and have some fun. Maybe I will reach Owner again soon. 

Aww babe you were the only

Aww babe you were the only owner I felt the closest to :O But I understand why you had to leave. Im sorry for your lost... I know how it feels... lost my mum when I was 16. Stay strong girl and May god bless. You will be missed <3

Thank you.

OML KATE! DON'T MAKE ME CRY :( I'm back but as GOV. I couldn't leave UN.. We'll have some fun! Been there too long for me just to leave. Sorry to hear about your loss also. 


You are the kindest owner and thx for helping me along the way ! Best of luck

Thank you.

Aww, thank you! I will miss being a Owner but I am back as GOV. No problem it's what I was here to do.. To help you and many other people in the UN. :)

I'm sorry to hear that :( You

I'm sorry to hear that :( You were an amazing active Owner who tried the best to help out in situations inside the UN. Best of luck with everything

Thank you.

Thank you Mikey. I am back but as GOV, will give me some time to chill, have fun and focus on stuff at home. Maybe one day I will reach Owner again. Just not now.

I'm back but not as Owner

So guys. I just couldn't leave the UN. It's kinda been a big part of me for some months now. I have returned but as GOV, have a break from OWN for a while :) Will be nice to see you all again though :)

Condolence Ms.PinkPolka. I wish the best luck with your future.

Condolence Ms.PinkPolka. I wish the best luck with your future. Thanks for everything that you made with the other owners. Your the best Ms.Pink. Takecare. We will wait for you till you come back again. FFEj6

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