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Hi guys! Today, I have transferred to UN from HDA. I haven't been here for even a hour yet and I already feel so welcomed and like I've been apart of UN my whole Habbo life!! Y'all are 10x better than my colleagues at HDA ;). Anywayyy, a little bit about myself I guess. I'm Erica if it wasn't obvious. My name is not spelled "Ericuh" like my username is :P. I am 15 and am a sophmore in high school. I live in the boring state of Iowa in the U.S of A, where we have a cheeto as president. I tend to joke around a lot, I personally believe I have a really bubbly personality. If there's anything I didn't address, I know there's a lot that I didn't, reply to this thread with questions & I'll be happy to answer them! I'm an open book for the most part. Oh! And that is me in my profile picture, aren't I just so gorgeous? ;D

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