Keep Moving Forward UN! :)

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Keep Moving Forward UN! :)

I hope everyone's enjoying being back in base as much as I am, everything is back to normal and it's good to see a lot of people working hard, we had really good population over the weekend, got as high as 44 at one stage, it was great!

Also, I hope you enjoy the new VIP area I spent some time redesigning for you guys to hang out in your downtime, and the new security which I also redesigned getting rid of the ugly kitchen blocks so it has a new fresh look. I fixed the issue with people walking off their seat everytime they click the switches so that's great also.

Keep up the good work guys and thankyou esspecially to Cindy for helping me out hiding the wired in the rewards rooms and also special mention to Evan and Cindy who helped rebuild the base ready for me to do the wired when I got home. If you are still missing out on badges please contact one of our wonderful admins or owners and they will happily give your badges back.

Keep moving forward UN, I'm proud of you all.

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