Lost scoreboards and points when Habbo was shut down??

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Lost scoreboards and points when Habbo was shut down??

Hi, has anyone else not got credited any pay or rank points for the last few days?  I was playing lots, all weekend and I still have not got any more rank or pay points, yet the boards have been cleared. It has been 4 days 10 hours so far. I asked one of the owners and she said that she thought maybe scoreboards were lost when Habbo was shut down over the weekend?? Anyone know anything about this??? I dont' want to have lost my 30+ points :'( HELP!

Ikr! Well yesterday I speaked

Ikr! Well yesterday I speaked one of the owners, and they said it's all gone and they can't get it back. I was so pissed! You're not the only one, don't worry.


The same thing happened to me as well. I didn't hear anything from the owners, so this is a troubling surprise to me.

I should have had 23 rewards

I should have had 23 rewards for the 31st I have had nothing and am also concerned luckily I have screenshot the room I had a funny feeling it wouldnt go on 

That sucks, does it usually

That sucks, does it usually stuff up?

Never has but dont know where

Never has but dont know where they are stil arent here today :/

ya its all lot\st :(

an owner told me iit was all lost :( did anyone get any from last weekend (10+ days ago)?

I did cus I screenshotted

I did cus I screenshotted them @:)

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