Minutes of the
<UN> Community Meeting
2 PM GMT - 10th of March 2018 | <UN> Conference Room
“SPEAK. SUSTAIN. SUGGEST. Strive for UN’s Success!”
If you have missed the <UN> Community Meeting last Saturday (10th of March) by the Department of Suggestions, here are the notes and summary of the happenings during the meeting. The meeting lasted for more or less 2 hours. Everyone was active in participating and following orders from the emcees. If you have any opinions or reactions towards the things that will be mentioned below, just comment and discuss it on the comment section. There will be more meetings to come so don’t be disappointed when you missed this one. We will update you soon!
- In this part of the program, members can suggest or speak anything they want to see, experience, or suggest in the UN Community. Then, other members or participants can voice out their opinion towards the suggestions given by other member. Below is the list of suggestions and discussion we had during the meeting.
1. Suggestion by mega-goth247
“I just wanted to make a suggestion that we could host more game events out of base in order to raise awareness about UN and get more members to join”
http://prntscr.com/ipb8bc - Chadbury07
http://prntscr.com/ipb8rr- PinkPolka9182..
http://prntscr.com/ipb9h2- PurpleA2
http://prntscr.com/ipbafj- Mrlfrnz
http://prntscr.com/ipbbh9- dylanreed95
http://prntscr.com/ipbgwa- karmiela
2. Suggestion by Mrlfrnz
“After we have the out of base event room i think we should remove the out of base game in our base so we don't need to force members to play and remove their seats”
http://prntscr.com/ipbh16- karmiela
3. Suggestion by lily332244
“Maybe we can have some sort of function once a while for bonding maybe that could help bring the community together”
http://prntscr.com/ipbe8f- PurpleA2
http://prntscr.com/ipbe8f- PinkPolka9182..
http://prntscr.com/ipbetc- RachelHLuvsYou
http://prntscr.com/ipbf83- Tiing.
http://prntscr.com/ipbgmm - karmiela
4. Suggestion by kirst345
“When i joined UN the first few months were the worse for me as i felt so lost coming from being a founder at HDA I had no friends here and some people ignored me for alot of time.
When people join UN there could be a welcoming system available with support and also somewhere on forum with OOA Staff names as i am still yet to find out due to the forum being so different to what i am used to”
http://prntscr.com/ipbje9- ,nikkiRUIS
http://prntscr.com/ipbk2q- Chadbury07
http://prntscr.com/ipbkci- AmericanBoy=D
5. Suggestion by XDChillax
“I would like to suggest to put extra security features in out habboun account to prevent hijacking of accounts and misuse of rank manipulations of accounts”
“AFIQAHbabes suggested if we can put SFX to wake up idling”
“I just notice that captcha saying logged in as high management will not view captcha”
http://prntscr.com/ipbmfv- AmericanBoy=D
http://prntscr.com/ipbmz8- Rainbowgalaxy_
http://prntscr.com/ipboad- ht31
B. QUESTION & ANSWER with the Foundation Team
- In this part of the program, All issues or questions regarding UN are accepted to be asked by any member or participating. All questions or issues will be answered by the Foundation team. The catch is that the members can directly ask one person from the Foundation Team to answer their question or to ask their question to.
1. Question by Goodhotdog00
“I feel like I get ignored by Owners sometimes when I want to ask something. I don’t know if they are AFK, but they are just standing in base. What can we do about it, so I wont feel like that?”
http://prntscr.com/ipbs2z- karmiela
http://prntscr.com/ipbrgc- PurpleA2
2. Question by XDChillax
“To PurpleA2, as an owner, how do you handle UN especially when Cyndii. is on LOA, can you give us some tips?”
http://prntscr.com/ipbtd2- PurpleA2
3. Question by kirst345
“Why does UN not really communicate and do things with other agencies and have allies? However, we speak about the community a lot and shouldn’t that include the non-UN community as well?”
http://prntscr.com/ipbuqh- Omani14
4. Question by aliciafoo:
“I notice the rewards have been taking more than 3 days to be updated, instead of 1-3 days as stated?”
http://prntscr.com/ipbwnr- EdenAce
5. Question by XDChillax
“To .Tiing. As the Unit Leader of all departments and as an Owner, how do you handle those things and finish tasks in time?”
http://prntscr.com/ipbxoe- .Tiing.
6. Question by Lain.jpg
“Who is in-charge of the Department of Forums?”
“Is it alright for me to post the story I have written about mental health problems in the Spam section?”
http://prntscr.com/ipbypa- EdenAce
http://prntscr.com/ipc0ql- XDChillax (DOF Ambassador)
7. Question by kirst345
“Who has access to our personal details on the HabboUN website?”
http://prntscr.com/ipc2rz- .Tiing.
Share your thoughts and ideas about the things mentioned above in the comment section. You could also leave any suggestion you want for the upcoming meetings. Good luck and have fun!