New Department Suggestion

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New Department Suggestion

Department of State 

The State Department is a vital one to have when creating and maintaing a healthy relationship with other Habbo Agencies across the Hotel.


The State Department Ranks & Duties

Secretary of State: The Secretary of State is the Chief Foreign Affairs adviser to the Owners of the <UN>.

  • Duties:
  • Serves as the Owner's principal adviser on Foregin Affairs
  • Conducts negotiations relating to <UN> Foreign Affairs
  • Negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements
  • Informs the people of the <UN> on the conduct of the <UN> Foreign Affairs
  • Supervises the Administration of <UN> Foreign Policies abroad
  • Provides members of the <UN> with information regarding the condition of foregin agencies
  • Advises the Owners of the <UN> the acceptance, recall, and dismissal of the representatives of Forgein Agencies
  • Oversee the State Department
  • Appoints and Removes Ambasadors
  • Issues clearance to foreign agency diplomats into base
  • Hold meetings with the State Department and Foreign agencies

Ambassador: An Ambassador is the official diplomat sent from one agency to another agency. There job is to represent their agency's interest and policies abroad and keep a good line of communication with their assigned agency.

  • Duties:
  • Provide intel to the Secretary of State regarding the current condition and status of your assigned agency
  • Always represent the <UN> in the best light
  • Establish & Maintain and good relationship with the assigned agency
  • Report any infraction of <UN> policy to the Secretary of State
  • Hold & attend regular meetings with the State Department and your assigned agency
  • Brief the Secretary of State everyday of daily issues or concerns

1,000 members minimum to have an Ambassador assigned to an agency.****

[This is a suggestion for a new Department it is not set in stone. Also there can be as many ambassadors so long there is an agency for them to be appointed to.]

Comment below suggestions and tell me what you think...Im still working out the details and such  

Also the Ambassadors will

Also the Ambassadors will work with their assigned foreign agency and make sure none of our workers are double jobbing there.

Ooo DOS...

Ooo DOS...

You put a lot of thought into this :) seems like a great idea.

~Thanks Vogue :)

~Thanks Vogue :)

It seems like a good idea, but...

I think this is a good idea, but what kind of agreements and treaties would the ambassadors negotiate? I mean, it's not like other agencies can do anything that can threaten us...

Good idea, however UN doesn't

Good idea, however UN doesn't have alliances with other agencies therfore would render this unit to be useless as they'd have no one to conduct foreign affairs with.

Hey that's a thing. Why don't

Hey that's a thing. Why don't we have any kind of alliance? I mean, we are called United Nations, but we don't have any alliances? Ain't that kind of a paradox?


The United Nations does not

The United Nations does not have any alliances indeed, however one does not need to be in an alliance with someone to conduct Foregin Affairs with them. Foreign Affairs is simply matters having to do with international relations and with the interests of the "home" agency in foreign agencies. The Secretary of State leads the Department of state and travels to different (states) agencies to mend good relations with them. Not having alliances is an even more reason for us to have this Special Unit developed. If the Secretary of State in real life was to travel to only places that we had alliances with, they would only travel to a few places. How ever this is not the case; the most-traveled U.S. Secretary of State  in history Hillary Clinton, visited 112 countries during her four-year tenure, traversing 956,733 miles -- enough to span the globe more than 38 times -- and spending 401 total days on the road. Even on multiple occasions visitng and have meetings with the Russian President Vladmir Puttin, and we all know that the U.S. does not have any alliances with Russia. Think of the Deparment of State more like a good PR (Public Relations) team.


I really like the idea of this. You did a great job on planning all of this. Great job bailey0083! I hope they look into actually making your idea a reality!

Thank you very much 666inful_

Thank you very much 666inful_! I hope this unit is implemented as well; Also I have since updated and added to the Department of State Ranks & Duties as well as made a Charter for the proposed unit. Hopefully Cyndii or Scotty might re-consider and see the benefit that this unit will bring but also the positivty that the UN members have towards this proposal. I encourage all UN members to add their comments of support or concern and show their thoughts on this special unit proposal. 

I believe that this is a

I believe that this is a great idea..... I have also wondered about how we can call our agency united nations and not be allies with other agencies.... i would like to join if this department gets approved ;) , you did great at planning this and hopefully by the time i reach leadership i can qualify to work for this department


Thank you Palots1, I believe that the Department of State is a great idea as well! :)

great idea tbh

To be honest, it is a really great idea. If UN doesn't have any alliances, it can have now. We can even have events with other associations. It would be fun

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