New month for UN! Also congrats to Cindy :)

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New month for UN! Also congrats to Cindy :)
A new month for all, hopefully we will see a lot of growth in this September, if you have some cool ideas on things you'd like to see in UN this month, post below and we will see what we can do about making them happen. Also ownership points reset today, so remember to start at 0 OP in your ownership logs. Current owners ranks are below: Cyndii. - LEVEL A HaiBunBun - LEVEL C SecretaryGen - LEVEL C ColonelDan - LEVEL C Congratulations to Cindy to be the first owner to achieve Level A status, she now has a range of new privileges all listed under the level A section of the owner guide. Also please note, all new boards to be posted under the "September" forum topic in points forum.

1) You should Improvement the whole base. I think there should be a bar that locks you inside your station, So when we step on the bar it locks us automactly lock us inside the station and same for Security and the rest of the stations.

2) Change where Petal Patches and Wild Cascades into a spot where people who have their own Dept. and it can be Tele's to their meeting rooms or there official rooms.

3) Improve THE ENTERANCE of the workplace. There should be Kitchen Corners Stacked together and the timer in the middle of it so everyone can see it.

It's a lot that needs to be improved a lot in UN but I don't wanna waste anyone's time. Just know it needs improvements and such, I really think UN is doing a great job atm and is a really sucessful job! If you need any help with anything or need ideas I'll always have UN with loads of ideas ready to be fulled.

-TheJayy {Congrats UN}

I think the bar idea is fine

I think the bar idea is fine  , but in case of low population in UN and if some1 wants to join , then ppl have to do multiple works , whoever it is. In that case , if ur locked in ur station , ur probably gonna lose another recruit. But i prefer to have a system to prevent arrowhunting , but i don't have the time to explain my idea so , i will leave it to others :)

Thank you

Thank you , Let's hope this September we reach a dashing 4000 members  United Nations! 

The problem with blocking off
The problem with blocking off the seats when the timer starts is that, if stations need to be filled and the seats are blocked off, no one can get to them. The problem with blocking off the seat when someone walks over the gate is just like wazeer said, if people need to move or fill other stations they have to first teleport to the lobby and then get back in base and then go to the station, if they're an agent then someone has to let them back in each time they leave the station. I do like the idea of having gates and I think it would be great, but the issue is it will make base function badly, people can't easily move around. I think we could possibly lose agents over this because of the extra strain it would put on them, and agents are our most important members, they're the people who will stay the longest, they're the people who invite their friends etc Everyone else is just as important but agents are the future of UN.
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