New Position: Departments Ambassador

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New Position: Departments Ambassador

Hello, United Nations! Over the past few months, we’ve had multiple community events such as Movie Night and the recent DOS Meeting. In the DOS meeting, we had suggestions to host community events frequently and have more various events for the community.


If you did not already know, these events have been prepared and organised by our Unit Admins/Leaders, who are a part of our lovely management team. They have worked behind the scenes to prepare everything that is needed for the event, from publicising it to making sure the actual event runs smoothly. This has been one of the extra tasks that they were assigned to handle and do along with many others.


As we want these community events to be more frequent, we have decided to create a new position called ‘Departments Ambassador’. For this new position, the ambassadors will be required to organise a new community event every week, for example, Movie Nights, <UN> Trivia Night, Football Games, Theme Weeks, Parties and such. The ambassadors will have the main focus on hosting and organising these events. It will also be their responsibility to ensure that these community events occur and function every week.


<UN> Movie Night

Departments Ambassadors will be a part of the Unit Management Team, but they will not need to be in a specific special unit or need to own a special unit. To be eligible for this position, you will need to be GOV+ (400k+). This will be a position where you will be representing the Department of Departments as an Ambassador and will be working alongside the many other unit management members.



In short, as a Departments Ambassador, you will be required to:


→ Organise different events weekly.

→ Ensure that these weekly events are run smoothly.

→ Work alongside other Unit Management Members.

→ Communicate well with the other members and updating us frequently.

→ Have a positive influence and show a welcoming attitude in the United Nations Community

→ Be able to take in different opinions and constructive criticism.

→ Be active in chats and discussions that take place.

→ Be punctual and organised in planning weekly events.

→ Be GOV+


If you are interested in this role, please fill out this application form below with full sentences and send it completed to Cyndii., PurpleA2 or .Tiing. on the habboun site or through Skype. We will be viewing these application forms and select the members who we believe will represent and organise these community events well. If there are any questions, please ask below and we will answer you.


Application Form:


1. Habbo Username

2. Rank in full

3. Skype Username

4. Name and Country

5. Do you believe that you are able to handle planning events that will occur weekly?

6. Have you ever been in a special unit before? If yes, please state which special unit and what position you were in.

7. Have you attended a previous community event before? (e.g. Movie Night, DOS Meeting). If so, which one and what were your thoughts about it?

8. If you were given the role of Department Ambassador, what event would you want to plan the most and why?

9. Are you able to promote and advertise the event around the UN/Habbo Community?

10. How active would you say you are on a scale of 1-10 in the UN community?

11. Do you have any previous experiences of helping to plan events or running events in general?


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