This week in UN was as lively as ever!
We had multiple events going on and some new one’s created through new friendships.
We had a huge turnout at the fridge game which was hosted by youonlyluvoreo’s, people had a great time. Events like these are held daily, you just need to keep your ears and eye’s open for them. Usually the prize is 500 rank points. Stay sharp and participate, you’ll meet new friends!
Another event discussed was having a anime theme month. We would have a different theme each week and people would take screenshots and submit them for the competition. Each week is a different vote!
"So to help us out on theme’s please message idea’s on the website to koolpie00, mcnesquik, jasminesoovin or -Merp-. or whisper/pm them on habbo."
As a highlight to start off the week off, Our lovely owner described all of us hard working members as..
Thus in accordance to celebrate what Cyndii. says, you should dress up as your favorite pokemon :) A group of us started off by representing the first starter pokemon. (Squirtle, Pikachu, Charmander and Bulbasaur).
Thus ending the first day of this week, and this is only the beginning. Until tomorrow y’all!
Yours, -Merp-