Reminder to all

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Reminder to all

Hello fellow UN members, new and old. 

There has been rising number of incidents whereby Trainees were let in by the front desk even though they did not fulfill the requirements. Please keep in mind that when you recruit someone, make sure that: 

1. Their motto is correct. <UN> Trainee. 
2. They have indeed join the UN badge group.
3. They favourited the UN badge.

I'm emphasizing on the third point because there were numerous cases where trainees were let into the security station without favouriting the UN badge. This resulted in the people working in the security station having to ask them to favourite the UN badge which takes up alot of time and unnecessary space.

In short, if you are working at the FTF, please be mindful of the three requirements before you let anyone in. 

Thank you!


We cannot forget to make sure they are 100% on the website, whether it be under active or new members. blocked or inactive members should not be permitted in base until their account is made active. :)

Thanks for addressing this

Thanks for addressing this haha. I was working security the other day and I had to ask the Trainees and even Agents to correct their motto and apply the UN Badge. 

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