Reminder to security & above.

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Reminder to security & above.

Hello fellow colleagues !
I would like to give a reminder based on my experience while working at security.

We are supposed to check a number of things before allowing entry to any recruite or higher.

* Does not have to be in order *

1) Wearing <UN> badge.
2) Check the user's groups. 
a) Look out for badges that might be other agencies.
b) If suspicious, look at their description.
c) Request them to remove other agency badges. Do not allow entry until they removed other agency badges. They dont have to remove VIP/Vistor badges.
3) Check Habbo ID in 'Search User List (active)'
Check whether their Habbo ID is inside our database.
- If their username does not appear,
a) Double & triple check if you enter the correct ID
- If their username still does not appear,
b) Take down their Habbo ID
c) Check their rank. If they are new, it might be problem while registering. Send them to Training area. Whisper the trainer regarding the user. Trainer to ask them to register & reset their motto back to [1k] rank points
- If they are high rank ? These are probably fakes/spies/trolls.
Report to management. If security get jammed, kick the user to lobby.

4) Correct motto.<UN> Rank [websiteUsername] [rank points]
Example of mistakes 
a) UN instead of <UN> (missing < & >)
b) Rank title does not match rank points (4k rank points using Field Agent instead of Senior Agent)
c) Incorrect websiteUsername
d) User did not update their rank. Frequently, after logging in, rank points has been updated from working. User didnt check and update their rank hence they uses old rank. Tell them to change their motto & inform them that their rank points in forum has been updated.

Important common mistakes made : Did not check user's groups. These users might be double jobbing.

PS : I apologize if there is any fault regarding this reminder.
If there are any changes, reply here & i will update it.

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