Returned after a long time of absence (Glad to be back C:)

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Returned after a long time of absence (Glad to be back C:)

Hello, everybody!

      A lot of you might not know me or you did but might have forgotten, I am Abdul Rahman but most people call me Tractic or Official. I have been around the United Nations for a while but just about 3 months ago I went inactive, and I had a lot of reasons, such as being in a not soo good shape, starting high school, being stressed out; however, if you would like more details about my absence then please head to this forum post: After all that time, I have finally decided to return back with a lot of passion for working with all of you guys! I guess that means that you will probably see me very soon or sometime, anyways, I am excited to meet you all. See you soon! C:

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