United Nations By The Numbers - June 2017

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United Nations By The Numbers - June 2017

June 2017

For the past month, I’ve been tracking our population as it stands on the badges each day. It is my intention to have monthly, periodic updates regarding our population growth (or decline). If you like numbers, statistics and other cool things, you are in the right place!


The data in this topic is complete as of 30/6/17. All data numbers are drawn from 31/5/17 (the day I started collecting data) to 30/6/17.

There are times where I have forgotten to update the numbers and have used averages to fill in the day that was missed. Shoutout to iKaylaaaaa for helping me update the data during days when I was absent.

At the risk of making this topic 50 pages long, you can view the data graphs in this Imgur album (100% safe!)

United Nations

31/5/17: 40,804

30/6/17: 41,263

UP 1.12%


High: 41,263 (30th)

Low: 40,0804 (31 May)

Average: 41,029


We reached over 41k members this month, and base has become more popular in certain timezones, reaching 40+ and holding for a couple of hours. As summer approaches, we will easily see this happen on a more regular basis.


31/5/17 3,054

30/6/17 3,159

UP 3.43%


High: 3,162 (29th)

Low: 3,054 (31st May)

Average: 3,116


31/5/17: 2,518

30/6/17: 2,598

UP 3.17%


High: 2,601 (29th)

Low: 2,518 (31st May)

Average: 2,564


31/5/17: 2,032

30/6/17: 2,107

UP 3.69%


High: 2,112 (29th)

Low: 2,032 (31st May)

Average: 2,071

High Management

31/5/17: 1,503

30/6/17: 1,567

UP 4.25%


High: 1,572 (29th)

Low: 1,503 (31st may)

Average: 1,540

Senior Management

31/5/17: 940

30/6/17: 991

UP 5.42%


High: 991 (30th)

Low: 940 (31st May)

Average: 965 (no, i did not rig that!!!)


31/5/17: 456

30/6/17: 485

UP 6.35%


High: 485

Low: 455 (6th)

Average: 468


Leadership is seen as a stalling or resting point for the majority of United Nations as there are much more rank points between LDR and GOV and the fact that Leadership has access to all workstations of base, what more could anyone want?


31/5/17: 191

30/6/17: 207

UP 8.37%


High: 207

Low: 191 (31st May)

Average: 198

Office of Administration

31/5/17: 23

30/6/17: 27

UP 17.39%

High: 27

Low: 23 (31st May)

Average: 26


31/5/17: 9

30/6/17: 9





Like I said at the beginning, this is the first time I've done this, feedback on this is always appreciated!

Some things to keep in mind, United Nations can always be better than yesterday -


  • Keep up activity - there should, in an ideal perfect world, always be a DOE game going (to boost retention) or some external recruiting going on. Base slow at getting people in? Why not go out and chat up some people and ask them to join! Not going into this in detail - that’s for another time. Moving on...

  • Provide timely and high-quality service to new trainees/transfers. Thankfully, there is always a large number of people ready to train and transfer, but don’t let people sit in training or at the transfer desk too long!

  • Don’t be afraid to talk in base - learn each other’s names, where they’re from… you don’t need to be bff’s but it takes 5 minutes of your time, or you arrow, to have a chat with the person next to you to make sure they are going okay in UN.

  • All workers should be made to feel welcome and respected. OOA/Owners should be ready to punish anyone who makes others feel unwelcome.

  • Agents and new transfers are the future of United Nations.

<(^_^)> first comment!

ya! love this! looking forwerd to seeing more of it :D!!! Keep up the great work!!

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