Who takes down names for working arrow

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Who takes down names for working arrow

So i was playing yesterday and i got 4 shifts (4 arrows) and couple hours later i got back on and saw that my points were gone so i was like o they mustve taken names down and refreshd it so i started again and only got 1 shift in and i looked today and it says i only had 1 shift when i had 4 other ones do different people take names so they get put on the website at different times? becuase thats a good hour of working for nothing. Please help.

I've had the same problem

Hey thoward48! I've had the same problem, don't worry. It's not just you! It's just the points are a little late being uploaded :)

An Owner takes down the

An Owner takes down the boards when majority of the rooms are full, then he or she has 1-3 days to upload them. It depends who the Owner is and how busy they are during the time being. Us Owners do go to school/work and also have other commitments but we try our best to do things asap. It also states on the guides it takes a 1-3 day period for all points to be uploaded.

Yah I saw that I just said

Yah I saw that I just said this becuase I did an eqrly basge request I have 5k they kust haven't put the points in yet so it got denied

You will get the SEC badge

You will get the SEC badge when you're 5,000 rp. 

My rewards

ive been waiting 3 days now, gaining about 2k (not a lot). But i was wondering why it all seemed to take so long now rather than when it used to, and is it your holidays as well because it's mine but just wondering if it's just a delay or long workings ours.

It normally takes about 1-3

It normally takes about 1-3 days depending on when the Owner took it down. I'm also in the progress of adding a few boards now :)

um im not sure if its 1 to 3

um im not sure if its 1 to 3 days its been a week and  havent gotton points and the 1 points that uploaded took 4 days


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