Work Pressure

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Work Pressure

 I am DukunSau, From the Department Of Forums.

 Today I would Like to Discuss about a Topic , which is about Politics at work, How will you manage work pressure when you know the other party isn't fair but he/she is in a higher position than you, and you know by complaining to the Head of Depts, You will have a hard time Once she knows You are the one who lodge the Complain, What would you Do?                 


sometimes peoples are unfair especially if they're high rank and have friend in company like HR but we should fight for what's right and for our rights but I'm sure their friends won't defend if their friends is wrong especially in companies they should be fair no matter what even if its his/her friend because in the end wrong is wrong and you can't defend what is wrong in case you're in supreme court.


A Court and Work is totally two different Enviroment, I get where you are going.

Thou shalt fight for Justice

Thou shalt fight for Justice no matter what and enjoy the trouble it gets you into. Such is the way of the Hero. Such is old fred

Hero is a Kind of Mighty

Hero is a Kind of Mighty Spirit We use to Make Ourself believe , but in reality , the work is covering your rice bowls, will you still wanna purse the matter or let it keep circling around you? hmmmm

ones rice bowl can always be

ones rice bowl can always be filled by somebody else, old boy, and if they get really empty you will learn to appreciate a half-full bowl anyway. you do not wanna get stuck in a circle of apathy. if you do, the rice you eat wont taste any good. why eat rice if it doesnt do anything for you? i say, do what is Right and you will become More, always

Well said.

Well said.

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